Launch — Quest Feature ⚡️
We are super Excited to announce the release of our long awaited Quest Feature.
What is a Quest?
A Quest is a series of Actions with a Reward at the end. A Community or Org can set up actions for members to complete to gain a Reward such as a Badge, XP Points or Skills. These actions can be ‘Like a Twitter Post’ or ‘Join Discord’ or ‘Click on a Link’. The Rewards are tokens on Contributions that get added to a member’s Decentralized Identity. These Tokens are non-transferrable, which means that they cannot be exchanged for value. They are non-transferrable for a reason, as we believe you contributions are acheivements which need to be earned and cannot be exchanged for money.
Your actions and contributions on the internet add to your digital persona and should be able to be carried with you across platforms and chains and this is why these tokens are called ‘Soul Bound Tokens’.
How to set up a Quest
Below is an example of how a Quest looks like on the platform!
Here is a Video Demo of Creating a Quest.
Now lets get into how you can go about setting up a Quest.
First things first, if you are a Web3 Org or Community admin reading this post, sign-up here to get access to Quest Platform. Once your community has been created and you have been added as an admin, you will be given access to Quest Dashboard and you will follow these steps —
- Go to
- Connect wallet
- Then go to —
On this Dashboard, navigate to the Quests Tab and clic on Create Quest. There are three parts to creating a Quest.
- On the Details Tab — Add Basic Quest Details like Name, Description and Quest End Date.
2. On the Actions Tab, Click on Add an Action Button.
You will see this pop-up. Choose a Data Source such as Twitter or Discord. Once you click on the Source the Relevant Data Types will pop-up. Once you fill this info click on ‘Save’.
Upon Saving, your Quest Actions will be shown like this.
3. Finally, on the Rewards Tab — Select the rewards relevent to the Quest, add a Badge, the Number of XP Points for completing the Quest and the Skill/s and Score associated with the Quest.
Finally, click on ‘Deploy Quest’.
Once Deployed, you can share the Quest link with your Community Members. The Quest will look like this —
Hope you enjoyed this feature, if you would like to use Quests for your Community, fill out this form and check out our Website here for more info.